Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Homeopathy - Treatment of Cat Kidney Failure

One of the greatest challenges for a homeopath is treating an animal. Homeopathy relies very much on subjective symptoms, such as how someone feels or the sensation of the pain (aching, shooting, burning, dragging, etc). So, to be successful in treating an animal, you have to develop other skills.

Observation of body language is useful not just in treating animals, but allows a true picture of a human to come through, too. Humans tend to compensate a lot, to conform to their society, culture, religion, family, friends, peer group, etc. Humans are a herd animal and most feel more comfortable if they are accepted by members of their chosen group.

However, this may not be in accordance with their true nature.

So to some extent, both humans and animals are difficult to treat because they either can’t or won’t tell you their true essential selves.

As a consequence, homeopaths have to develop good observing skills. I often liken the need for a homeopath to develop good detective abilities.

When I was a student homeopath, one of my cats stopped eating. After a couple of days, I took her to the vet, who diagnosed kidney failure. His prognosis was poor.

Refusing his proffered drugs, I brought her home and pored over my books. Trying to bring in all her subtle signs and symptoms was a challenge, but not impossible.

After extensive research, I gave her the indicated homeopathic remedy. It was from a home made kit I had recently bought, all in plastic bottles. Plastic is porous, so not suitable for the storage of homeopathic remedies. All the potencies of the remedies was very low, mostly 6x.

However, I did have the remedy, so I gave her one dose. Within 10 minutes she came to me and asked for food. Her appetite never looked back.

She required only a few more doses, before the condition completely cleared up. She lived several more healthy years, after this.

My double delight in not only healing my cat, but in my first successful case (human or animal), knew no bounds!

And a little delight in proving the medical profession wrong did not go unnoticed!

But it also taught me a lot more, subsequently. The main lessons I got from this in later years, was that if you get the right remedy, you can get wonderful results even with a low potency. The other important point is that you don’t necessarily need many doses.

People often give many doses, in desperation for something to happen. But, with the right remedy, that something normally happens quickly. Best results come from putting the time in to get the right remedy.

By hassling your homeopath, or asking for a quick fix, you can be pretty sure you won’t get the desired results. Relax and allow time to arrive at the best remedy. You have the rest of your life to enjoy the results.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Homeopathy Heals an Unusual Skin Disorder

Homeopaths are generally well trained in looking for causes of ill health. Causes tend to be whatever was happening in your life when the condition started. This is easy to see when an injury causes a wound. But it becomes more difficult to see when it’s an emotional cause, a medical cause or the problem started many years ago.

Vaccinations can be the cause of many health problems both immediately following the vaccine, and many years later. Fever is a common occurrence immediately following, but other deeper problems can show up years later.

In pets, the common site for a vaccine is at the shoulders. Year after year, the same site is used. Consideration to the repeated vaccines as the cause of tumours that can form at this site, should always be given.

But health problems aren’t always acquired. They can be inherited, too.

One of my cats, Lexy, recently had an unusual skin problem. A small skin eruption developed at her shoulders. This was obviously very itchy as she scratched it til it bled. Then continued to scratch it until she had made a small, raw area.

Initially, I just observed what was happening. However, as the condition deteriorated, I had to do something. Exactly what, I was unsure because this was only occurring in an isolated spot.

Although I did consider a vaccine as the cause, Lexy has never been vaccinated. I don’t vaccinate. I never have, even when I didn’t know what I know now. Somehow, something always help me back.

Had she been vaccinated before she came to me? She, and her litter mates, were left at a pet shop where I used to collect the numerous unwanted kittens and take them to a cat’s rescue home. Somehow, Lexy ended up at my home, rather than the cat’s home...

I know the pet shop in question did not vaccinate the pets they sold, let alone the pets they considered surplus to their needs. It’s so unlikely that someone will vaccinate kittens they dump at a pet shop, that I feel confident to say Lexy has never had a vaccine in her life.

I tried various homeopathic medicines that are good at resolving itchy skin eruptions. They helped initially, but then relapsed. And subsequent dosing didn’t have the same effect.

There was something I wasn’t getting.

So I went back to the vaccine theory. Perhaps she had inherited this problem from a vaccinated parent or ancestor?

I had to try this idea out.

I dosed her with the feline vaccine remedy. This is made from the vaccination itself. You can make a homeopathic remedy out of anything and making them from the drug that caused the problem, although not always necessary, can be very helpful.

It started to clear up. It healed up better than it had before.

She did need quite a few doses, but each one took the healing on to another stage.

Now it has almost completely healed. All that remains is for the fur to grow back.

Bearing in mind the origin of this medicine, it is unlikely that the cause of her health problem was anything other than a vaccine in her family history.

Lexy's skin eruption, not at its worst, but after
she had started scratching again 

Lexy's skin eruption site healing nicely.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Listening to Animals, Learning from Their Behaviour, Even if it is Aggressive

As humans, we are so preoccupied with the logical side of our brain, and the ‘doing’ nature that this entails, that we normally completely miss the subtleties of life that surround us every day, or the ‘being’ of our nature.

There’s a saying ‘instead of cursing the dark, light a candle’.

I know I’ve talked about this before, and probably will endlessly, but if you were ‘kept’ by a well meaning giant, who was kind, but you couldn’t communicate with at all, how would you get your message across? Would you ultimately get frustrated, angry, even aggressive sometimes?

Body language is what everyone uses all the time, in addition to words. We have learned to focus on the words, which can be unreliable. But body language is unconscious and never lies. Eyes are one way to easily see if someone is lying, which is why some cultures hide their eyes when talking, especially when doing business deals.

Animals use body language just as much as we do, but sadly, most people don’t take any notice of it.

Yet it is by taking notice of body language that we can tell what an animal is trying to say. What other methods do they have at their disposal to try to make us understand their needs.

My favourite example is of a dog being dragged into a vet’s clinic, tail between his legs. Isn’t the message clear? Can an animal make his point any better?


Yet, the great, arrogant, ego driven human takes no notice at all, firmly believing that we know best, and the dog knows nothing.

Recently, a woman rang me for a consultation about her aggressive cat. This was a young cat and she had only recently started the behaviour of attacking the woman’s legs, biting and kicking much more than is acceptable.

The woman had searched the internet and come up with various sites which tried to sell the idea the cat was just ‘acting up’, whatever that means.

She was wise enough to understand that this was unlikely. Instead she arranged for a consultation.

We couldn’t pin point the exact date this had started to happen, so I decided we had to start with the basics. Let’s get the diet sorted out and see what happens. Commercial pet food is one of the main causes of health problems. At the same time, I posted some supportive treatment to undo any damage that may have occurred from the vaccinations and sterilisation, both areas that can knock health badly off centre.

She emailed me before the treatment arrived. She had noticed the start of a change in her cat’s behaviour after just two days, with a big change after six days.

She had been told by several people, including her vet, that this diet was unacceptable. Yet it cured the problem. In her heart, she knew it was the right thing to do, she just needed someone to confirm her feelings.

Inside, we all know what is best, but are easily swayed by those in authority. Perhaps it’s time to let the influence of the powers of authority go. Accept that they may or may not have something useful to offer, but this must resonate with you. If it doesn’t, let it go.

You have inner wisdom. You may not know it or use it, but it is there. It’s simply a matter of accepting it, using it, making mistakes, then appreciating what it brings to your life.

Authority figures have their own agendas that may not support you and your dependents health or best interests. Take responsibility for your life, don’t give it to someone else.

Here are some suggestions when dealing with animals.

1 - Accept animals as equals. They may be different, but they are not inferior to us in any way.
2 - Put yourself in their shoes.
3 - Learn to read body language.
4 - At all times, keep your cool. If you find yourself getting irritated or angry (or judgmental), drop it and come back later.
5 - Don’t think you have all the answers. Animals can teach us much if we bother to listen. Accept that you may have to stretch the boundaries of your mind into uncomfortable areas, sometimes. Being uncomfortable is OK, just acknowledge it.
6 - Learn to understand the species world. For example, dogs are pack animals. They need a natural leader and a pack (you and the family). A dog on his own is miserable. Cats are lone animals. Although they may enjoy a companion, they don’t need one as dogs do. Horses are herd animals and are happiest with at least one other companion. Rabbits also need companions. And so on.

After looking through the list, I decided it wasn’t a bad way for dealing with people either.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Can You Separate Your Cat's Health from Your Own?

When I first became interested in a natural diet and health care for my animals, I was invited to a public talk, given by my veterinarian. She was heavily into alternative health care and soon after, she gave away the veterinary side of her practice all together

Even though this resulted in a substantial income reduction, she felt she could no longer carry out procedures which she knew to be harmful. Her biggest bug bear was vaccination.

Her talk inspired me. She narrated how she had been visiting a relative overseas, who wanted her to treat her cat.

The cat was very timid, spending much of the day hiding under the bed covers. Geraldine, my vet, observed that this was exactly how her relative, Odette was. She was hiding at home, hardly daring to leave her home unless it was absolutely necessary.

Geraldine was an old hand at observing the similarities between people and their pets, so she set about treating Odette, rather than her cat. She decided to use the Bach Flower Essences.

Odette kept in touch, and over the coming weeks and months, reported her progress. She was becoming increasingly brave, venturing out and about at an increasingly regular rate.

AT THE SAME TIME, almost in step with Odette's improvement, her cat started venturing around the house and then outside. He even wanted to spent a night outside on occasion, something that was completely unusual as it was formally very fearful for him.

And yet, he had received no treatment AT ALL!

Why am I telling you this?

Natural therapists know only too well that animals seem to take on the  same attributes as their humans. It's as if they are helping us carry the load, by sharing it. Or perhaps they are reflecting back to us, who we are.

Whatever it is, your health is inextricably linked to that of your cats.

If you want the best for your cat, then the first thing to do is to start by sorting out your own problems. Lighten up. Seek appropriate health care, preferably holistic, preferably homeopathic. By sorting yourself out, you have gone a long way to sorting out the health of your cat.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Cats With Gingivitis - Two Natural Ways to Resolve it

Cats with gingivitis seem to be so common now. And yet, cats can’t suffer from it in the wild, as they would quickly die. So we need to look in this direction for the cure.

Gingivitis is the inflammation of the gums and this can occur at any age in any breed. Not only is this a painful problem, it shows that the health of your cat is not good.

It also means that the teeth may becomes affected later. Perhaps loosen, and then fall out.

However, with the two following measures, you can prevent gingivitis in cats or restore balance if it has already occurred.

The first aspect any natural health professional will always try to address is to restore a healthy immune system. With this back in balance, everything slips back into natural order.

One of the main causes of cats with gingivitis is diet. Diet is critical to everyone’s health, not just your cats. Human diet can be shoddy at the best of times, but at least there are some, pretty basic laws, which govern the manufacturing and marketing of human food.

This is absent in cat food. Anything can, and does, occur. Such as:

  •  preservatives that are highly toxic, despite the claims on the packet
  •  high fat content, unusable in human food
  •  low grade meat by-products (rejects for human consumption, with questionable protein content)
  •  cheap filler such as melamine, sugar or crushed nutshells

Please don’t think that the processed food recommended by your veterinarian is any better.

Quality raw meat and bones, on the other hand, provide a cat with complete and balanced nutrition. Crunching up on small raw bones keep the teeth clean, the gums healthy and their minds happy. Dry food doesn’t come close to achieving this, despite the claims.

Cats on this diet rarely suffer from gingivitis.

In the interim, between changing over to a quality raw diet, the cat may still need some help with the gingivitis. The homeopathic medicine Mercurius can be used successfully in restoring healthy gums when the cat’s symptoms include”

  •  gums are red and swollen
  •  the mouth appears dirty
  •  there is excess salivation
  •  ulceration may or may not be present
  •  symptoms are worse at night

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

A Terrified Feral Cat Transformed

I adopted a feral kitten several years ago. She’d also suffered a bad human experience, making her doubly fearful. Although she settled in well, she was always rather timid and the other cats soon learned to pick on her weaknesses. So much so, that she eventually decided to live outside. At least she had peace at night, when the others were shut inside.

Periodically I dosed her with a remedy I thought would help, but as the years went by with no improvement, I tended to be content that she was safe and well fed, even though frightened.

A few months ago, I started to use mental imaging for things I wanted to change in my life. The problems we have as humans, is that even though we want to change, it’s like pulling yourself out of a rut. You need a helping hand.

I chose to imagine Siobhan calmly walking into the house on her own, sitting beside other (bullying) cats, washing them and being washed by them. I imaged her eating side by side with the others.

The energy of this imagery was an invitation, rather than desperation (it works better this way).

Prior to the imagery, I connected’ with Siobhan by visualising her heart, then my heart, then a string connecting our hearts.

I did this imagery periodically, when I remembered to. There were large stretches when I didn’t do it, focussing on other areas.

However, at some stage, I did get an intuitive feeling to treat her with a remedy I had tried before, but in a higher potency (strength).

Within a few days, I noticed a shift in her energy. She still didn’t come in, but she seemed somewhat less timid.

At some stage, when I felt it appropriate I dosed her again.

Last week, she seemed to want to come in, so I placed her dishes a couple of feet inside the door near where she ate. After a bit of hesitation, she came in, ate her food and went straight out.

A great move forward.

This lasted a week.

Then she seemed not to want to go straight out. She explored, then found a place to sit. She settled then smiled at me, inviting me to cuddle her. I approached this cautiously as she had resisted my approaches for years.

She allowed me to stroke her, then lift her up. She was purring.

Even I have been stunned by the speed of her transformation and I’m used to seeing this sort of thing.

Truly, the earth moves under good homeopathic treatment.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Good Cat Health Prevents Worms - Discover the Secret to Achieve This

Good cat health will prevent worms, fleas and disease. There can be no higher ideal. A healthy cat will never have a proliferation of worms or fleas and will always be able to resist any passing health problem.

The confusion arises about peoples different interpretations of what constitutes good cat health. However, I believe it can be easy to cut through the hype and focus on what is really important.

When you consider that man has only been messing about with cats health for less than 100 years, it really isn’t long enough to have discovered much. Compare this with the millions of years that cats have evolved. Nature has had a much longer time period to perfect the diet and health.

Man is ego driven and profit driven. Neither of these aspects spell truth, honesty and integrity. It’s much more likely that someone wants to persuade you to their way of thinking, either because it will profit them financially, or because it will help to bolster up their ego. So you need to ask yourself if the information given is also good for your cat’s health.

If you start to feed your cat according to how she evolved, then her health, her immune system, will improve. Anyone with a healthy immune system is immune to the proliferation of parasites and the onset of disease.

Parasites, in small numbers, are not necessarily a problem. Every body teems with bacteria. You can’t survive without it. Neither can your cat. And some internal parasites are also beneficial. What becomes a problem, is the proliferation, the out-of-control breeding.

When you feed your cat a raw diet, according to her evolution, the meat is digested quickly. This means there is no time for it to hang up in pockets in the intestines, allowing over-breeding to occur.

If you feed your cat the low quality commercial pet food, so typical of today, this is not digested easily. It passes through the digestive tract slowly, allowing over-breeding to occur.

It’s always more beneficial to find the cause of any problem and remedy that, rather than treating the effect. This is never as satisfactory.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Seasonal Change of Coat Promotes Healthy Vomiting in Your Cat

Cats, as do all furry animals, change their coats in spring and autumn. The old coat moults out as the new, more appropriate coat grows.

However, as cats are fastidiously clean animals, spending many hours each day grooming, they ingest a lot of fur normally, but much more at these seasonal changes.

This results in more vomiting than usual. Vomiting up the ingested fur, often as a hair ball, but also as loose fur, is a natural and normal way for the cat to expel this.

Frequently, people panic about their cat vomiting (as someone delightfully put it to me recently, she is a worrying cat slave:)) and rush their cat off to the vet, often to be given a toxic medicine.

When all the cat was doing was expelling something she didn't want.

By learning to differentiate between when vomit is a normal, healthy cleansing process necessary for a healthy cat, and when it is a cause for concern, you can save yourself a lot of money and anguish, and your cat unnecessary medication, not to mention the stress of the vet's visit.

Other natural and normal vomit for a cat is when they eat grass and then bring that back up, accompanied by saliva. When they bring up shards of raw bone when fed a natural diet is also normal. A cat who is suffering from food poisoning will have vomiting and diarrhoea for about 12 hours. If it eases after this, your cat is coping well. If it continues, appropriate homoeopathic treatment can quickly resolve the problem.

Learn to inspect the vomit before deciding what to do.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Question - Which is the Most Nutritious Low Cost Cat Food. Answer - The Most Expensive!

Which is the most nutritious low cost cat food? Can you have a nutritious and a low cost cat food? Isn’t it a bit like asking if you can have your cake and eating it, too?

The great thing is that you can.

But it doesn’t come in any can or packet.

Nutritious cat food needs to be the type of food that your cat has evolved on. After all, that has been going on for rather a long time.

Whereas processed act food has been going on for only a few decades.

Cats are notoriously fussy eaters. This is because they prefer to kill their food and eat it immediately. Which means they prefer super fresh meat and bones.

Fresh meat is the healthiest. Would you eat stale meat? It’s much more likely to contain harmful pathogens. And cats know this.

Processed food, at best, is the rejects from human food processing plants. Which means it’s low grade and usually not fresh at all.

By buying human grade meat and bones (in the form of chicken necks and wings) and feeding this raw to your cat, you will be getting as close as you can to the diet they evolved on.

That’s the most nutritious food for your cat, without a shadow of a doubt.

But is it the lowest cost?

On the surface, I’m sure you’ll agree that it sounds as if it’s one of the most expensive diets.

But, when you feed your cat real food, they need much less than poor quality food. Nutrient dense food will satisfy them quickly. Nutrient poor food will never satisfy them, so they will always be hungry.

Don’t suspect worms, although that may be a problem. Suspect the quality of the food you are feeding.

Couple that with the fact that a nutritious cat food will keep your cat healthier longer, and imagine the veterinarian bills you won’t be paying out.

Learning which is the most nutritious low cost cat food can mean a win-win situation - your cat’s health and your wallet.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Cat Worms and How to Eliminate Them Naturally

Cat worms can be a problem. There are two main types. The roundworm is normally limited to kittens. Once treated, it won’t return. You know if they have it, as they vomit them up. It looks like they had a meal of spaghetti.

The other common worm is tapeworm. This appears as tiny grains of rice in the stools. Initially they will move, but they die quite quickly when exposed to the air. Then the colour changes from white to yellowy.

It is generally considered that tapeworms are picked up from cats eating animals which are infected with tapeworm. But I disagree.

It is my opinion that every single health problem, including fleas and worms are a direct result of a compromised immune system. If your cat has a good healthy immunity, the worms will be in the quantity which is natural.

Bowel flora is totally natural. Some worms are beneficial. It’s the proliferation which is unhealthy.

When cats are fed a diet of processed food, this is not easily digested. It hangs up in pockets of the intestines, creating perfect opportunities for the worms to breed to excess.

Raw food, on the other hand, digests quickly. It moves through the bowel quickly, creating little opportunity for the worms to do anything that is not normal and natural.

Getting to the cause of any problem and dealing with that is so much more efficient that simply dealing (mostly badly) with the effect.

A raw meat and bones diet is one that cats evolved on, long before we arrived on the scene. It’s the optimum diet for a healthy immune system. It cannot be improved upon.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Keeping Cat Teeth Healthy in a Single, Not Always Easy, Step

Cat teeth should remain white and sharp all their lives. Their gums should be pink and plump. Yet it’s common for cats to have tartar on their teeth, to have missing teeth or to need a tooth extraction occasionally.

This is unpleasant for the cat and expensive for you.

How can you ensure your cat’s teeth remain in good order all their lives?

There is one simple answer to this. You can’t. Not totally. Occasionally a cat will break a canine tooth. This doesn’t matter, as domestic cats have no need for the canine teeth, which help hold a struggling prey animal.

But you can do something really simple to preserve the other teeth, as well as the gums.

And that is to make sure their diet includes meaty bones. Such as chicken necks or wings. A whole neck or half a wing of an average sized chicken, once a day, will provide all your cats needs. As long as they spend time crunching up the bones.

Crunching bones keeps cat teeth clean and free from tartar, massages the gums and keeps their minds happy.

Don’t have any fears about ingesting splintered bones. Cats evolved on a diet of small rodents and can cope very well with raw bones.

It’s the cooked chicken bones that are the hazard. Always feed your cat RAW bones.

And keep the size in proportion to what a cat would naturally hunt. Chicken thigh bones are too big and may chip their teeth.

Many people think that dried processed cat food pellets do the same job. After all the packet tells you it does. I can assure you that they don’t even come close to doing the job. For many reasons.

It’s not always easy to convince an adult cat that a raw chicken wing is delicious. Imagine trying to change your kids diet from fast food to fresh fruit. Do you think the change over will be easy? Will be without problems?

The same goes for your cat.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Feline Leukemia Has One Basic Cause

Feline leukemia is becoming quite common these days. And there are only a few reasons for this. But before we go into this, let me first quote a veterinarian, S Allan Price.

“I’ve been dealing with feline leukemia for years and I get disgusted with most veterinarians who advocate test and slaughter - that is if the cat tests positive, it’s best to kill it. We’ve had cats who have been able to climb trees and look normal in less than ten weeks. And I’m talking about cats who were brought in to us too weak even to stand up.”

Food for thought?

I don’t know the exact protocol that Dr Allan Price uses to treat feline leukemia, but I will hazard a good guess, bearing in mind the topic of the book he was quoted in.*


With vaccination and pest control hard on its heels.

Cats evolved on a raw meat and bones diet. The processed food that most cats are fed is cooked. Cooking kills enzymes and other essential nutrients.

Sadly, that’s not the only problem with processed food. The quality of the meat is poor, even in the most expensive brand. This is then padded out with a cheap filler, to stretch the meat. Then artificial nutrients are added to redress the poor nutrient content.

Worse to come, the very toxic preservatives ethoxyquin, carbolic acid or formaldehyde are used (despite what the label may say) to give the packet a long shelf life.

Vaccines contain heavy metals such as mercury and aluminium. Can this be healthy, injecting it straight into the blood stream?

Flea and worm preparations contain toxic poisons, such as cyanide, which affect the neurological system of the cat. They can also cause a thyroid malfunction.

The best thing you can do for feline leukemia, or any other feline disorder is to detox your cat. That means stop the vaccines and pesticide control. Start feeding your cat raw meat and bones.

That may be enough to bring your cat back.

The inclusion of a well selected homeopathic medicine can only assist your cat’s unloading. A holistic animal health professional will be able to help you with that.

* Keep Your Pet Healthy the Natural Way by Pat Lazarus

Monday, March 22, 2010

Homemade Cat Food Makes for the Healthiest Cat

Homemade cat food means that you have control over what your cat eats, rather than a cat food manufacturer, who only has interest in the bottom line - his profit. He has no interest in the health of your cat.

If you take control of what your cat eats, then you have control over your cat’s health.

Health is inextricably linked to diet.

Garbage in, garbage out.

If you feed your cat the garbage that passes for cat food, then you can expect your cat to get many ailments. Expect your cat to cost you thousands in veterinary fees.

Some people think that homemade cat food is expensive.

But it isn’t on two counts.

One is that the amount you feed your cat is much less quality food than the large amount of processed food.

The reason is that quality food is nutrient dense. Processed food is nutrient poor.

So while you might be paying more for the food, you’re giving less of it.

The second reason is the health care. A cat fed quality homemade food is likely to be healthy right up to the end. Imagine the veterinarian bills you’re not spending.

And learning what to give and how to feed your cat is not difficult. The most important points to remember is that cats evolved on a raw food diet, so that’s the one they do best on.

The other important thing to remember is that their most important needs are meat and bones, so both should form the bulk of their diet. Make sure the bones are always raw, never cooked, as these can splinter and cause problems.

Homemade cat food, made with quality ingredients and personal dedication will make for a happy and healthy cat.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Natural Treatment of Feline Diabetes Can Totally Resolve It

Feline diabetes is becoming quite common. And there are some very effective homeopathic medicines which can help. But I believe there is an underlying cause. And that if this is addressed, the problem will disappear.

I believe cats are too toxic. In some ways, this is a by product of today's’ industrialised world. You can’t get away from that. But I don’t believe that is the heart of the problem. It’s closer to home.

Cats are very sensitive to chemicals. Much more so than we are, so the use of chemical household cleaning products may not be doing them any good.

But the real reason behind feline diabetes, in my opinion, is their diet. If you feed your cat any form of a processed cat food, this is the most likely cause.

Processed cat food starts of with low grade meat or meat by-products. The better cuts are sold for human consumption, where a better price can be asked.

Then a cheap filler is added, to bulk out the ‘meat’. This can be anything from sawdust, to sugar, to crushed nut shells, to melamine. None of this is in your cat’s interest. And the addition of the sugar may be the straw that broke the camel’s back, as the saying goes.

But, by far the most damaging ingredient will be the preservative which allows a long shelf life. Good for business, but is it good for your cat?

Despite the label, preservatives must be used to ensure this long shelf  life. And they are toxic. So toxic, they would not be allowed in human food. But as there are no laws governing cat food, they can legally be used. What am I talking about?

Ethoxyquin. Carbolic acid. Formaldehyde. I’m sure there are others I am yet to discover.

So by changing your cat’s diet to quality raw meat and bones and eliminating all processed cat food, you may find your cat makes a full recovery from feline diabetes.

Without any other help.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Cats With Yellow Vomit - How to Treat it Naturally

Cats with yellow vomit generally means they have a liver or stomach problem. The liver and stomach are closely related, so what harms or helps one will have the same effect on the other.

Vomiting means your cat is trying to ride her body of something. Yellow vomit normally means a toxin.

The liver is where toxic substances are immediately sent, to be slowly and safely released for excretion. So the first thing you need to address is to eliminate all toxic substances from your cat’s diet, health care and environment.

Drugs are highly toxic and damage the liver, so by changing to a natural form of health care will do wonders for your cat’s health.

Processed cat food is not only highly toxic, but of extremely poor quality. So by feeding most processed cat foods, you are not only starving your cat, but also poisoning her.

By feeding your cat a home made quality raw meat and bones diet, you will add years and quality to her life.

The environment your cat lives in also needs to be poison free. Cats are extremely sensitive to chemicals, so if you can switch to non toxic household cleaners, fabrics and garden products, not only will your cat benefit, so will you.

Making these serious changes, may be too late for your cat, depending on how far advanced the process is. But it may be just what she needs to make a full recovery. You’ll never know if you don’t try.

Homeopathy is a natural and complete health care system for humans and animals. It can be used by home prescribers for the less serious health problems. Serious problems are best left to professional homeopaths.

However, if you don’t have access to one, you can do a lot yourself, especially with the help of a distant homeopath.

Homeopathic medicines work by stimulating the immune system to work more efficiently. If you pick the wrong medicine, nothing happens, no harm is done.

However, some skill is needed to match your cats symptoms to those of the potentially best medicine.

The homeopathic medicine Phosphorus is one of the top medicines for treating yellow vomit in cats or anyone else. The vomiting may have started as saliva, but has deteriorated over time to yellow matter.

The strong keynotes of Phosphorus include:

  •  a great thirst especially for cold water, which may be vomited up after about 15 minutes
  •  blood in the vomit, urine or stools
  •  normally has a ravenous appetite but this may now be reduced
  •  vomiting started with food that had recently been eaten (about 15 minutes earlier)
  •  may have a history of respiratory problems
  •  although very affectionate, may be easily frightened by sudden and loud noise

If you can match at least three of your cat’s symptoms to these keynotes, then Phosphorus may bring her health back.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Cats Health - How to Improve it in Three Easy Steps

Your cats health may be in jeopardy. You may be blissfully unaware of the fact that you may be harming your cat and contributing to her ill health. But the fact remains, that you probably are.

You may be doing what you consider to be all the right things: you take her to the vet regularly, you buy the food s/he recommends, you keep fleas and worms under control by using the vets products, you vaccinate her every year. You spare no expense. Yet, still your cats health is not high.

Let’s look at each of these aspects one at a time.

  1. Diet - the daily consumption of processed food (which is full of chemicals, low quality meat and cheap filler) is nutrient poor. The packet may look wonderful. It’s the contents that count. Apart from the quality, it’s cooked. Wild cats evolved on a raw meat and bones diet. Cooking destroys enzymes and many other essential nutrients.
  2. Flea and worm control - cats are highly sensitive to chemicals. More so than we are. The chemicals in worm and flea preparations are guaranteed to cause health problems for your cat. The chemicals in their diet will contribute to this deleterious effect. Cats fed a totally raw diet have no worm problem and very few fleas.
  3. Vaccinations - natural health professionals the world over know the problems that are associated with vaccines. They do tremendous harm, partly because of the ingredients. Depending on the vaccine, these contain mercury, aluminium, formaldehyde, squalene and other noxious ingredients. If your cats immune system is in peak condition, that will protect her from disease.

At one time, I visited several catteries to ask if they insisted on vaccinations to board a cat. Most did, but I did discover one very friendly owner. She told me that she also accepted cats who had been treated with the homeoprophylaxis immunisation (immunisation by the use of homeopathic medicines - HP).

What she then went on to say may surprise you. She told me that those cats who had received the HP never gave her any cause for concern. But those who had been conventionally vaccinated often contracted the disease they were supposed to be protected against.

Which cat is healthier?

Monday, February 22, 2010

How to Convert Your Cat to a Quality Diet

You’ve made a decision. Your cat’s diet must change, for reasons of health and economics. Now you need to learn how to convert your cat to a quality diet.

Cats are not that easy to convince a change is good for them. Dogs are much easier to make changes with. They accept most food with enthusiasm, except when ill. Cats are very different. Whether it’s the appetite stimulants put into cat food, or whether cats dislike change, the reason is unimportant.

In practical terms, you can have a hard time of the change over. However, this can be simple if your follow these guidelines.

First of all, be utterly convinced you are doing the right thing. Be absolutely sure in your own mind, that the diet you currently feed your cat is doing her no good, and the raw diet you are substituting it for is going to do her a lot of good.

If you’re not very convinced, do some more research.

With this thought firmly fixed in your mind, your cat will read your determination and reasons clearly and will know it’s a waste of time to object. A token gesture may be all the objection raised.

Being determined yourself, with also ensure you stick to it, when the going gets tough.

Being aware that a change over to raw food is likely to bring an initial spring clean of a toxin clear-out. This can come in the form of vomiting, diarrhoea, skin eruptions and mild diseases. Although this can look alarming, it is a healthy sign and normally only lasts a few days to a week.

You can reduce these effects by gradually substituting the old food for the new raw food, over a period of about two weeks. Even if the new food is rejected, keeping reducing the old food.

A cat may fast for a few days, making her objection clear. But she will not starve herself. And a fast is a healthy thing all animals should have periodically. Hang in there!

Throw away (or give to your dog) the rejected food. Cats need very fresh food and will reject raw food that is slightly off (dogs, as carrion feeders don’t care).

Smearing the raw food with a tiny amount of a yeast spread or brewers yeast will entice most cats. Discontinue with the yeast spread as soon as the cat starts eating the food, as the high salt content is unhealthy.

Brewers yeast is a healthy supplement in small proportions. And most cats love it.

Once you try to advance the diet to include chicken bones, so healthy for gums and teeth, as well as the most natural form of calcium, your cat may balk again.

Start of with little pieces of chicken without bone. If this is hard to get your cat to eat, then heat very slightly, enough to stir an aroma, without whitening it. Once this is taken, start introducing pieces of chicken with bone in. Chop it up in to bite size chunks.

When you can hear the bone being crunched, you can increase the sizes, until the whole chicken neck, or half a chicken wing, is happily accepted. Even cats without teeth get to love the pieces of chicken and bone.

This process may sound an ordeal, but in reality it is a labour of love, to improve the health of your cat

Monday, February 15, 2010

How to Cure Your Cat Itching With Homeopathy and Diet

If you are looking how to cure your cat itching, then you may find that homeopathic treatment provides you with all, and more, that you need.

There are two things about your cat itching that immediately spring to mind. One is that your cat’s immune system is compromised (to have the problem in the first place). The other is that it is not too badly damaged, as when the skin is showing up as the main area of disease expression, the host has only dropped one notch of health.

Compromised immune systems can come about from a variety of causes. Some of these include:

  •  an unhealthy diet
  •  your health (or lack of)
  •  drugs and vaccines
  •  chemicals in their environment (house and/or garden)

Surprising though it may seem, keeping yourself as healthy as possible, preferably by holistic means, will go a long way to keeping your cat healthy. It is becoming more obvious (as we are becoming more aware) that domestic pets tend to help us shoulder our burdens. So you need to work on you, for your cat’s sake if not your own.

A diet of processed food, by virtue of its daily consumption, is likely to create many health problems. A diet of processed pet food is as far away from a natural diet as it is possible to get. Holistic veterinarians do themselves out of a lucrative income by persuading their patient’s people to make a switch to a natural diet.

They find both mild and serious disease just disappear.

When the skin is used as the primary expression of disease, the patient is still in reasonable health. This is because the skin is the least important organ of the body. If skin eruptions are suppressed, then expression is sought in more important organs, such as the kidneys or the liver.

If you learn how to cure your cat itching with homeopathy, then you will do this by raising your cat’s immune system so she can now cure herself. But, by continuing with the processed diet, it will probably keep returning.

Whilst professional homeopathic help is probably your best option, you may be able to do some successful home prescribing. Rhus tox is a common homeopathic home prescribing medicine, as valuable to the practitioner as to the home prescriber. It may be a great medicine for your cat itching as long as the itching is intense and improves in the hot weather, worsening in the cold weather.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Cat Cystitis and How to Treat it Successfully in Two Steps

Cat cystitis is common. Cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder and causes frequent and painful urination. Sometimes, but not always, the cat will cry out during urination.

Animals rarely show pain vocally. They normally show pain by licking the painful part, crouching, rather than resting comfortably and retreating to a quiet place.

There are several reasons why cat cystitis is common.

Firstly, cats are loan hunters, so have evolved to live by their wits. Their hunts must be successful, as there is no support structure to fall back on. Living in a state of alert calls on the extensive use of adrenalin. Adrenalin is manufactured in the kidneys.

So the kidneys are the weak organ in cats and can be easily overloaded, with a knock on effect on the whole urinary tract system.

If you are feeding your cat a processed cat food, then this is the likely cause of the cystitis. Processed cat food is very harmful to the health of your cat for several reasons. The majority of commercial cat food

  •  starts off with low grade meat, more likely meat by products, from dubious sources (road kill and worse)
  •  is packed out with cheap filler (such as melamine or sugar)
  •  is cooked for long periods, destroying what little nutrients were present
  •  is topped up with indigestible synthetic minerals and vitamins
  •  contains chemicals to preserve, to colour, to improve the taste

Once cats are put on a quality raw meat and bones diet, their healthy returns (normally after a short initial de-tox period). Often the cystitis needs no further treatment.

However, as cystitis can be quite serious, as well as painful, while you are making the dietary changeover, it is a good idea to support your cat.

Homeopathy works by stimulating the immune system to work as it should. Professional homeopathic help may be the best approach, but if this is not immediately available, you may be able to support your cat yourself.

Aconite is the most appropriate homeopathic medicine for ailments which come on quickly. Over a few hours. It is generally not useful for ailments which start slowly, over days. However, if it has come out of the blue, a few doses is likely to totally resolve it.

For the moment.

If you keep up with the processed diet, it will return.

Cantharis is another useful homeopathic medicine for cat cystitis. Here, the symptoms are severe straining to pass urine, great distress during the process and the urine is heavily blood stained. Several doses will be needed over several days.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Home Made Cat Food is the Best - Six Good Reasons Why

Home made cat food has the potential of providing all your cat’s nutritional needs, unlike processed food, which provides few.

You want the best for your cat, so are likely to buy superior food. Actually, it would be impossible not to, as the low grade food that goes into making processed cat food is not available on the market. No consumer would buy it.

Only pet food manufacturers buy it as they have a greater interest in their bottom line than in the health of your cat.

So lets look at the different options available to you, which go to make up why you should provide home made cat food, as opposed to processed food.

  1. the meat you buy is very fresh
  2. the meat you buy is good quality
  3. you can offer the food raw
  4. you wouldn’t pad out the food with cheap, non-nutritional filler
  5. you wouldn’t add preservatives, colours or appetite stimulants
  6. you can opt to add healthy, natural, whole food supplements simply to ‘top up’ rather than to redress the poor quality

And don’t feel that raw, human grade food is expensive. It is more expensive to buy pound for pound (or kilo for kilo), but as they need far less in quantity, because the quality is so much better, it actually works out about the same or a bit cheaper.

Not only will your cat be healthier on a diet made with care and dedication, it will be cheaper too. No more expensive trips to the veterinarian. That alone can save you thousands, as well as heart break.

Home made cat food, when made with their evolutionary history in mind, will ensure a healthy and happy cat.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Cat Fleas - How to Resolve the Problem in One Easy Step

Cat fleas are unpleasant for your cat, who may endlessly scratch and lick. And unpleasant for you, when they start jumping onto you.

Commercial flea control is considered the only alternative. But is it? And how safe are they?

Before we go into this, I want to quote a veterinarian, Michael Lemmon.

“Popular flea collars contain powerful nerve gases. They can kill some fleas. They can also kill some pets and can do damage to children and adults handling the pet wearing the poisonous flea collar.”

Last week, a very distressed family brought a rabbit in for me to treat. They had treated him with Frontline. Now Frontline is not safe to use on rabbits. But how many people know this?

The rabbit was having seizures.

The first thing I did was to do an internet search on the ingredients. I discovered cyanide was an ingredient. Then I did a search on the ingredients of Advantage, another popular flea control preparation. This contains imidacloprid, which also affects the nerves.

So it seems that all commercial flea preparations contain nerve poisons, of various types and in varying quantities.

Is this what you want to apply to your cat? To be absorbed into her system? They may kill cat fleas, but what else do they do?

Imidacloprid also causes thyroid problems in rats. I’m sure that is a very real side effect in cats, too.

I was relating the rabbit story to a friend. She told me that after she had used a flea preparation of one of her dogs, the dog shook herself. Some of the flea preparation landed on a painted door. Moments later, the paint started to peel off.

So what is the alternative? Is there something else to control cats fleas? Preferably something natural.

You bet!

Isn’t it better to get to the cause of the problem, rather than just treat the effects? Treating the effects is generally unsuccessful, or at best, only marginally successful.

Your cat has fleas because of the diet you feed her. Commercial, processed cat food alters the chemistry in your cat. This attracts fleas. Feed your cat a diet that she evolved on and the chemistry comes back to normal. One that is unattractive to fleas.

I have fed my cats a raw meat and bones diet for the past thirteen years. I have never had to treat them for worms or fleas. And one sleeps in bed with me. Under the covers.

Sadly, the rabbit didn’t pull through.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Cats With Gingivitis and How to Resolve it Naturally

Cats with gingivitis are all too common. Gingivitis is the inflammation of the gums. One of the main reasons for this in cats, is the lack of raw bones in their diet. A cat who has daily bones, such as chicken necks or chicken wings, to crunch up, rarely has gingivitis.

Raw bones in a healthy cat’s diet serves at least four purposes:

  1.  bones keep the teeth clean, preventing tartar building up
  2.  bones massage the gums, keeping them healthy
  3.  the crunching of bones keeps cats happy - it’s how they evolved
  4.  ingesting bones are a natural, balanced mineral supply for building healthy bones

Sadly, many people don’t feed their cats a raw meat and bones diet, so mouth problems are rife. The normal treatment of antibiotics and teeth removal does nothing to enhance such a cat’s already badly damaged immune system.

Once the problem has started, it seems an endless round of continued and regular damaging treatment.

Is there an alternative? Is it too late to introduce a raw meat and bones diet?

There are always alternatives to everything. And it’s never too late to try anything.

Cats with gingivitis often respond very well to homeopathic treatment. The medicine Mercurius is almost a specific for this condition in both humans and other animals.

But, as with all homeopathic medicines, it’s best to have more than one strong symptom which matches the medicine, for a positive resolution. A homeopathic animal practitioner may be your best option, if you are new to homeopathy. But if you already know a bit about it, you might like to try Mercurius, as long as you can see some of the medicine’s strong keynotes in your cat’s gingivitis.

The strong keynotes of Mercurius are:

  •  symptoms are worse for heat or cold (so food straight from the refrigerator is likely to be refused)
  •  symptoms are worse at night
  •  your cat may have excess saliva which feels slimy to the touch
  •  your cat’s breath may smell foul, offensive
  •  a history of repeated antibiotic treatment

Once your cats gingivitis is sorted out and pain is not experienced on eating, then you can start introducing a raw meat and bones diet. In the early stages, it’s best to cut up the necks or wings into bite size pieces. This makes it easier for an older cat, or one entrenched in old ways.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Healthiest Dry Cat Food - Is There Such a Thing?

Trying to find the healthiest dry cat food is liable to lead you down a blind alley.

Admittedly dry cat food is very convenient to the person providing the food. Things don’t come much easier than opening up a packet. But as you are asking the question, I know you’re not necessarily looking for just ease.

You’re also looking for a healthy and nutritious food for your cat.

Can you get that from dry food?

Let’s examine one of the ingredients of a typical dry food.

All dry food has a long shelf life. Despite the label on the packet, this can only come about with some form of preservatives. And the pet food industry uses some pretty toxic preservatives, that would never be allowed in human food. Do carbolic acid, ethoxyquin and formaldehyde sound harmless to you?

That’s what many (possibly all) dry cat food contains.

The reason the packet can claim otherwise, is because the manufacture may not have put the preservative in themselves. It may have been the food supplier who put it in. So the manufacturer can legally claim “no added preservative”, because they didn’t add it themselves.

Whether or not they put it there is irrelevant to you in your search for the healthiest dry cat food. Toxic preservatives are toxic regardless of who added them.

Another claim is that vitamin E is used as a preservative.

That may be true. But the amount would most likely have to be in such high amounts as to be totally unnatural to your cat.

Any isolated vitamin or mineral is always in a synthetic form. Apart from the fact that your cat never evolved to eat synthetic nutrients, or in high quantities, nutrients need to be in combination with their co-dependent nutrients.

This is only possible if the source is a whole food.

Even the healthiest dry cat food is liable to cause your cat some serious health problems.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Feline Vaccinations Aren’t the Best Way of Disease Prevention

Feline vaccinations generally include either three diseases (F3) or five (F5).

Commonly, depending on the country and area, the F3 will include respiratory diseases (calici virus, herpes virus) and feline enteritis.

The F5 includes the first three plus feline leukemia, clamydia (a bacteria) and possibly feline AIDS.

Many people believe that feline vaccinations are necessary to keep their cat healthy. But, in my opinion, this is not the case.

Vaccines contain toxic ingredients. Such as mercury, aluminium, formaldehyde. How can it be considered healthy, by injecting heavy metals and other poisons, directly into the blood stream?

In truth, the best way to keep your cat healthy is to make sure her immune system is in tip top order. There are several ways you can do this, but essentially it boils down to almost one thing.

And that is to keep your cat toxin free.

Cats are very sensitive to chemicals. They react badly to them. So by keeping poisons out of their blood stream, by eliminating flea and worm preparations (nerve poisons) and by feeding them a quality raw food diet, you are contributing to a healthy immune system.

Anyone with a healthy immune system will be able to prevent disease. That’s its function.

I said almost one thing. One of the other ways is to ensure her diet is raw. Cooked food destroys enzymes and other essential nutrients.

And the final way to keep your cat’s immunity strong is to use homeopathy for any ailments. Homeopathy only works by boosting the immune system. Then the cat takes over and cures herself.

Not long ago, I did a local tour of the catteries. I wanted to know which ones accepted cats for boarding who had not been conventionally vaccinated.

One very friendly owner who accepted homeoprophylaxis (HP), which is the oral immunisation by homeopathic medicines, told me that she had never had a problem with the cats who had been immunised by HP. But she frequently had problems with the conventionally vaccinated cats. They commonly showed signs of the disease they were supposed to be protected against.

If you focus on keeping your cats immunity in excellent order, that will do all that is necessary in preventing disease.