Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Homeopathy - Treatment of Cat Kidney Failure

One of the greatest challenges for a homeopath is treating an animal. Homeopathy relies very much on subjective symptoms, such as how someone feels or the sensation of the pain (aching, shooting, burning, dragging, etc). So, to be successful in treating an animal, you have to develop other skills.

Observation of body language is useful not just in treating animals, but allows a true picture of a human to come through, too. Humans tend to compensate a lot, to conform to their society, culture, religion, family, friends, peer group, etc. Humans are a herd animal and most feel more comfortable if they are accepted by members of their chosen group.

However, this may not be in accordance with their true nature.

So to some extent, both humans and animals are difficult to treat because they either can’t or won’t tell you their true essential selves.

As a consequence, homeopaths have to develop good observing skills. I often liken the need for a homeopath to develop good detective abilities.

When I was a student homeopath, one of my cats stopped eating. After a couple of days, I took her to the vet, who diagnosed kidney failure. His prognosis was poor.

Refusing his proffered drugs, I brought her home and pored over my books. Trying to bring in all her subtle signs and symptoms was a challenge, but not impossible.

After extensive research, I gave her the indicated homeopathic remedy. It was from a home made kit I had recently bought, all in plastic bottles. Plastic is porous, so not suitable for the storage of homeopathic remedies. All the potencies of the remedies was very low, mostly 6x.

However, I did have the remedy, so I gave her one dose. Within 10 minutes she came to me and asked for food. Her appetite never looked back.

She required only a few more doses, before the condition completely cleared up. She lived several more healthy years, after this.

My double delight in not only healing my cat, but in my first successful case (human or animal), knew no bounds!

And a little delight in proving the medical profession wrong did not go unnoticed!

But it also taught me a lot more, subsequently. The main lessons I got from this in later years, was that if you get the right remedy, you can get wonderful results even with a low potency. The other important point is that you don’t necessarily need many doses.

People often give many doses, in desperation for something to happen. But, with the right remedy, that something normally happens quickly. Best results come from putting the time in to get the right remedy.

By hassling your homeopath, or asking for a quick fix, you can be pretty sure you won’t get the desired results. Relax and allow time to arrive at the best remedy. You have the rest of your life to enjoy the results.


  1. Nice blog with useful information. I like how you have presented your information in excellent detail. Thanks for sharing this wonderful and useful information with us.


  2. I wish I had known about this article before is was too late for my cat, Gigi. She died last week after overcoming diabetes and then coming down again with hyperthyroidism-- It was our ignorance in proper feeding that led to the diseases which let to the toxic medications that eventually shut her system down. We have a great vet with a good heart but conventional medicine is really not the best for animals, I feel. I have learned ALOT in my search to heal her. But it was too late to bring her back. She was 16+yrs but I've had cats that lived to be 21. They came up when the processing of food was done with more respect and less harmful ingredients.

    I'd like to know what remedy was used that saved your cat for future reference, if possible.

  3. What was the homeopathic remedy that you gave?

  4. I have been asked many times, what the remedy was. But if you read the article carefully, it tells you the time needed to match the cat's symptoms to those of the curative remedy. This is how homeopathy works - by treating the individual, not the disease. This means that knowing the remedy will not be helpful unless your cat has the exact same symptoms - unlikely.

  5. Indeed, not all cases are the same, but it sure would be nice to know what remedy helped your cat out in this a starting point at least...
