First of all, your cat will normally and naturally vomit up hair balls. This is a perfectly natural part of her life and you need to be more concerned if it doesn’t happen, particularly at seasonal changes when she malts. These times will vary, but are normally at the end of summer and winter.
Your cat will eat grass to help her vomit. Again, this is perfectly normal if it is occasional. If it is regular, there could be an underlining cause.
Digestion takes up an enormous amount of energy. If your cat has a health problem, she will not want to waste valuable energy on digesting. A well fed cat can fast for many days without coming to any harm.
That energy is needed elsewhere.
So the number one thing NOT to do is to try to force her to eat.
In many cases, a few days fast is all your cat needs to bring her health back into balance. Cats have remarkable self healing powers, if left alone to do so. It’s not unusual for cats to survive a poisonous snake bite, when they are left alone to deal with it themselves.
Another reason your cat vomits is that her liver is compromised. This is especially so if the vomit it yellow, but it doesn’t have to be.
Your cat is particularly susceptible to toxins in her diet and her environment. Whenever she ingests a toxin, it goes straight to her liver so it can be slowly and safely released into her system for excretion.
When her liver becomes overloaded, she’ll start to vomit regularly. This is a purging. She needs to cleanse her body. It may be accompanied by diarrhoea, too as this is also a sign of purging. It may also come out in a skin eruption. All of these can be a sign of purging due to a toxic overload.
So what are some common toxins she may be reacting to? In order of importance, these are probably the worst offenders:-
- commercial pet food which contains preservatives (almost all do, despite the label)
- medication, most of which suppresses her natural healing abilities
- vaccinations, which contain a variety of toxins
- proprietary flea and worm medication, most of which are highly toxic
- household cleaning products
- garden pesticides, fertilisers, fungicides, etc
- atmospheric toxins released from furnishings
If you can eliminate some, or all of these from your cat’s life, you’ll find that not only does your cat vomiting stop, but she is also much healthier and can shake of health problems more easily.
Finding the cause and eliminating that is more likely to have a happy ending that simply suppressing the symptoms with medication.
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